$20 for a year of free hosting and 2 free domains
Posted On Sunday, November 9, 2008 at at 5:38 PM by Unknown
Get your website online today! Netfirms provides the tools you need to make building and hosting your business website quick and easy.
To get this you have to select web hosting at the top of the site, then select 1 year billing in the netfirms advantage column. You will be taken to another page to select your domain name. After you select your domain name click search. If your domain name is available click continue at bottom of page. If not, keep trying until one is available. After you select you domain name you will be taken to the product page. Skip this by clicking on the NoThanks button at the bottom of the page. On the third and final page put in the code (max20)where it says enter promotion code. You will see you billing amount go from $119.00 to $20.00. Fill out the rest of the page and hit the complete order button. That's it! Look at all you get for $20. This promotion ends November 30, 2008, so hurry. Click on the banner below.

* $20 for one full year of Netfirms Advantage Hosting!
* 2 FREE domain names
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E-mail and Security
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Sounds like an amazing offer to me.
To get this you have to select web hosting at the top of the site, then select 1 year billing in the netfirms advantage column. You will be taken to another page to select your domain name. After you select your domain name click search. If your domain name is available click continue at bottom of page. If not, keep trying until one is available. After you select you domain name you will be taken to the product page. Skip this by clicking on the NoThanks button at the bottom of the page. On the third and final page put in the code (max20)where it says enter promotion code. You will see you billing amount go from $119.00 to $20.00. Fill out the rest of the page and hit the complete order button. That's it! Look at all you get for $20. This promotion ends November 30, 2008, so hurry. Click on the banner below.
* $20 for one full year of Netfirms Advantage Hosting!
* 2 FREE domain names
* 20GB 250GB of disk space
* 750GB 2,000GB data transfer per month
* Host unlimited websites with a single account!
* Support for PHP, Perl, and MySQL
* 24-hour technical support
Easy Setup and Management
* Simple one-click installation of e-commerce and blogs
* Share your photos online with Netfirms Picture Pro
* Easy to use web-based account management with Control Panel XL6
* Website visitor statistics, raw log files, access management
E-mail and Security
* 500 e-mail addresses that match your domain
* Spam and virus filtering
* Web-based e-mail (Web-Mail) and POP3 e-mail (Outlook)
Technical Features and Reliability
* Your website hosted on an enterprise class clustered platform
* Multiple data centers ensure that your website is always available
* Same trusted infrastructure that keeps millions of websites up and running
Sounds like an amazing offer to me.
Make Money Online by Using Moreniche
Posted On Tuesday, October 14, 2008 at at 12:27 AM by UnknownPost too long. Need "Read More" code
Posted On Sunday, September 14, 2008 at at 1:00 PM by Unknown
I am having trouble shortening my post that are way to long. The read more script that I am using now isn't as useful as I thought it was. So I will soon be trying something else. If you have a solution please let me know.
Website flipping done right
Posted On Monday, September 8, 2008 at at 11:12 PM by Unknown
Here is another excellent post by a warrior forum member.
Site flipping was all the rage last year but seems to have lost its popularity in recent times. Why? I think it’s mainly because people were building small content sites and selling them on straight away for just a few dollars - the market just got too saturated. When I first started flipping brand new sites I was able to get up to $150 for a 10 page content site – now I’d be lucky to get $60 for the same site. That’s only $6 per article (not to mention the time it actually took to put the site together). Because of this many would be site flippers have just given up.Anyway, I’ve had some success flipping sites so I thought I’d post a few tips. Plenty of people are doing this already, but for those who don’t it’s a nice little cash earner – and very easy to do (as long as you have a few basic skills). What people want (and will pay good money for) is sites that have traffic and are already earning money. They don’t have to be earning a lot, and they don’t even have to be that old, but flipping brand new, no traffic, no earnings sites just doesn’t cut it anymore. By the way this is what I do myself, so I’m not just talking out of my hat!Here goes: Step 1 - Find a nicheGenerally I just go to Clickbank and look at the top 5 products in each category - if they have a high gravity then they’re obviously selling well so I might choose one and base a site around a particular product. I also take a look at CBTrends and take a look at the top 100 most researched/requested products. For instance if I chose Fat Loss 4 Idiots my niche site would be based around fat loss (fat loss as opposed to weight loss as I want to keep it as targeted as possible).Step 2 – Keyword researchI used to use Free Keyword Suggestion Tool From Wordtracker but nowadays I prefer the Google Adwords keyword tool at https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal - both are good though. Look for keywords that correspond to the product you’ve chosen.E.g. if I chose the product ‘Reverse Phone Detective’ I could use keywords such as:“reverse phone number look up” – according to the Google keyword tool that exact phrase was searched for 40,500 times in August. Our competition on Google is only 64,000 so this keyword should be easy to rank for.I choose 10 – 15 long tail keywords that I can base my sites articles around. Step 3 – Choosing a domainI would choose a domain name with the keyword in it – for instance if reversephonenumberlookup.com (or .net) was available (it's not) I could use that. 90% of the time I can rank on page 1 of Google for the phrase included in the domain name so it is important to choose carefully. Step 4 - Create your siteI generally either get a free template from Open Source Web Design. and use NVU, or I use wordpress (I like the templates at Wordpress Themes and Wordpress Themes and create it like a html site (using a static page). I start by writing and adding 10-15 articles to the site – all of them based around a particular searched for keyword.Next add in your affiliate program. One of your articles should be a good review of this product and I always have a short presell on the main site page as well. Step 5 - Promote your siteThe first thing I do is submit some articles – I usually start with about 10. I submit the majority to Ezinearticles and the rest I submit using Article Post Robot to the top 15-20 directories. Submitting GOOD articles to Ezinearticles will get you traffic and sales from the first week. Use appropriate anchor text and link to both the home page and internal pages. The next thing I do is social bookmark the site with Social bookmarking service. Fast tagging and posting to all major social websites - SocialMarker.com Depending on the niche I might also do some forum posting with a link to my site in my sig. I find topic related forums at The largest Message Boards and Forums on the web! Step 6 – Using Web 2.0 sitesI build a Squidoo lens, a Hubpage and a wiki at Wikidot - Free Wiki Hosting to provide more backlinks (and some extra traffic) for my site. When selling my site I always include the Squidoo lens but I don’t think you can transfer a hubpage or wiki.Step 7 – Site maintenanceI always monitor each site closely to see how traffic and earnings are progressing. If they’re not, I submit more articles to Ezinearticles, do more forum posting, blog commenting etc. However if you’ve chosen a niche with little optimized competition you shouldn’t have to do too much to rank your site well. I also keep my Squidoo lens updated as well, because a high-ranking lens with lots of good unique content will add value to the sale. Generally I might only spend 30 minutes a week on maintaining the site. Step 8 – Sell your siteI only sell on Digitalpoint and Sitepoint – maybe I’m only limiting myself because I haven’t tried any others but they work for me. If I’ve had a steady income for 3 months in a row (or a steadily increasing income) then my site is ready to sell. Generally I get 6-10 times monthly income (a lot more for Adsense though), which may not seem like a lot, but because the site is still quite new it’s probably reasonable. If you wanted to keep the site longer then you would probably earn more, but I like to sell my sites in between 4-6 months. The whole setting up the site process should only take you a day or two at most – much less if you outsource. Plus you’ll get quicker every time you do it. Although this is basically what I do written out in the simplest of steps, it’s still necessary to have some marketing skills - good article marketing and preselling being the main ones, plus of course the ability to create a simple website. It actually isn’t that hard though – this is all information that you probably knew, it’s just a matter of putting it into practice. If instant cash is what you’re looking for this may not be the method for you, because although you’ll have earnings from your sites you won’t get the big sale payout for at least 4 months. Just think though – if you built one site per week or more (and kept it up week after week), in a few months time you could be earning a 6 figure income from site flipping!All the best,MartinP.S. Why not try setting up a site now and try selling it in a few months for a bit of extra cash for Christmas!
__________________Martin Penn
Site flipping was all the rage last year but seems to have lost its popularity in recent times. Why? I think it’s mainly because people were building small content sites and selling them on straight away for just a few dollars - the market just got too saturated. When I first started flipping brand new sites I was able to get up to $150 for a 10 page content site – now I’d be lucky to get $60 for the same site. That’s only $6 per article (not to mention the time it actually took to put the site together). Because of this many would be site flippers have just given up.Anyway, I’ve had some success flipping sites so I thought I’d post a few tips. Plenty of people are doing this already, but for those who don’t it’s a nice little cash earner – and very easy to do (as long as you have a few basic skills). What people want (and will pay good money for) is sites that have traffic and are already earning money. They don’t have to be earning a lot, and they don’t even have to be that old, but flipping brand new, no traffic, no earnings sites just doesn’t cut it anymore. By the way this is what I do myself, so I’m not just talking out of my hat!Here goes: Step 1 - Find a nicheGenerally I just go to Clickbank and look at the top 5 products in each category - if they have a high gravity then they’re obviously selling well so I might choose one and base a site around a particular product. I also take a look at CBTrends and take a look at the top 100 most researched/requested products. For instance if I chose Fat Loss 4 Idiots my niche site would be based around fat loss (fat loss as opposed to weight loss as I want to keep it as targeted as possible).Step 2 – Keyword researchI used to use Free Keyword Suggestion Tool From Wordtracker but nowadays I prefer the Google Adwords keyword tool at https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal - both are good though. Look for keywords that correspond to the product you’ve chosen.E.g. if I chose the product ‘Reverse Phone Detective’ I could use keywords such as:“reverse phone number look up” – according to the Google keyword tool that exact phrase was searched for 40,500 times in August. Our competition on Google is only 64,000 so this keyword should be easy to rank for.I choose 10 – 15 long tail keywords that I can base my sites articles around. Step 3 – Choosing a domainI would choose a domain name with the keyword in it – for instance if reversephonenumberlookup.com (or .net) was available (it's not) I could use that. 90% of the time I can rank on page 1 of Google for the phrase included in the domain name so it is important to choose carefully. Step 4 - Create your siteI generally either get a free template from Open Source Web Design. and use NVU, or I use wordpress (I like the templates at Wordpress Themes and Wordpress Themes and create it like a html site (using a static page). I start by writing and adding 10-15 articles to the site – all of them based around a particular searched for keyword.Next add in your affiliate program. One of your articles should be a good review of this product and I always have a short presell on the main site page as well. Step 5 - Promote your siteThe first thing I do is submit some articles – I usually start with about 10. I submit the majority to Ezinearticles and the rest I submit using Article Post Robot to the top 15-20 directories. Submitting GOOD articles to Ezinearticles will get you traffic and sales from the first week. Use appropriate anchor text and link to both the home page and internal pages. The next thing I do is social bookmark the site with Social bookmarking service. Fast tagging and posting to all major social websites - SocialMarker.com Depending on the niche I might also do some forum posting with a link to my site in my sig. I find topic related forums at The largest Message Boards and Forums on the web! Step 6 – Using Web 2.0 sitesI build a Squidoo lens, a Hubpage and a wiki at Wikidot - Free Wiki Hosting to provide more backlinks (and some extra traffic) for my site. When selling my site I always include the Squidoo lens but I don’t think you can transfer a hubpage or wiki.Step 7 – Site maintenanceI always monitor each site closely to see how traffic and earnings are progressing. If they’re not, I submit more articles to Ezinearticles, do more forum posting, blog commenting etc. However if you’ve chosen a niche with little optimized competition you shouldn’t have to do too much to rank your site well. I also keep my Squidoo lens updated as well, because a high-ranking lens with lots of good unique content will add value to the sale. Generally I might only spend 30 minutes a week on maintaining the site. Step 8 – Sell your siteI only sell on Digitalpoint and Sitepoint – maybe I’m only limiting myself because I haven’t tried any others but they work for me. If I’ve had a steady income for 3 months in a row (or a steadily increasing income) then my site is ready to sell. Generally I get 6-10 times monthly income (a lot more for Adsense though), which may not seem like a lot, but because the site is still quite new it’s probably reasonable. If you wanted to keep the site longer then you would probably earn more, but I like to sell my sites in between 4-6 months. The whole setting up the site process should only take you a day or two at most – much less if you outsource. Plus you’ll get quicker every time you do it. Although this is basically what I do written out in the simplest of steps, it’s still necessary to have some marketing skills - good article marketing and preselling being the main ones, plus of course the ability to create a simple website. It actually isn’t that hard though – this is all information that you probably knew, it’s just a matter of putting it into practice. If instant cash is what you’re looking for this may not be the method for you, because although you’ll have earnings from your sites you won’t get the big sale payout for at least 4 months. Just think though – if you built one site per week or more (and kept it up week after week), in a few months time you could be earning a 6 figure income from site flipping!All the best,MartinP.S. Why not try setting up a site now and try selling it in a few months for a bit of extra cash for Christmas!
__________________Martin Penn
Check your backlink count
Posted On at at 10:15 PM by Unknown
Backlink checker
This is a good tool to check to see how many backlinks you have.
This is a good tool to check to see how many backlinks you have.
Photoshop like clone. Use it online
Posted On Tuesday, August 19, 2008 at at 11:04 PM by Unknown
Splashup, formerly Fauxto, is a powerful editing tool and photo manager. With all the features professionals use and novices want, it's easy to use, works in real-time and allows you to edit many images at once. Splashup runs in all browsers, integrates seamlessly with top photosharing sites, and even has its own file format so you can save your work in progress. http://www.splashup.com/
Did I mention it's free?
Did I mention it's free?
300 + Wordpress plugins free!
Posted On Tuesday, August 12, 2008 at at 7:10 PM by Unknown
Mashable.com has plugins for your wordpress blogs. They are listed in categories such as plugins for the admin, multimedia plugins, stats,comments. Check it out and see if there is a plugin that you need.
Have a Website? Then You Need This
Posted On Friday, August 8, 2008 at at 9:06 PM by UnknownJonathon Locke Shares his Seo Formula
Wait! You Need To Build Links Like This!
I thought I would share the strategies I've used to create successful sites in the past using SEO. The main concept you need to repeat to yourself daily when trying to do SEO is:"Make it look NATURAL"Google is probably one of the most complex (if not THE most complex) and sophisticated algorithms anywhere. They can easily see through any link facade you might be trying to run, and they will penalize you for it. As such, building links needs to be done with these 3 things in mind:
Wait! You Need To Build Links Like This!
I thought I would share the strategies I've used to create successful sites in the past using SEO. The main concept you need to repeat to yourself daily when trying to do SEO is:"Make it look NATURAL"Google is probably one of the most complex (if not THE most complex) and sophisticated algorithms anywhere. They can easily see through any link facade you might be trying to run, and they will penalize you for it. As such, building links needs to be done with these 3 things in mind:
1. Start Slow, Gain Momentum
2. Spread Out Your Link Sources
3. Get Your Most Authoritative and Relevant Links FIRSTLet's start with #1. Apart from movies and news stories that gain thousands of back-links the day they launch, no website launches with that kind of link growth. Even most news stories don't hold their ranks in the SERPs very long, simply because they get a blast of links, and then that's it - they don't have a steady stream of people linking to the website, which is what Google is looking for. What this means for you? To make your link building look natural (and thus make it more effective), you need to start off slow and gain momentum. If you are planning on creating 10 links per day to a website, start off with 1. Then 2, then 4, and so on. A website that starts off with 10 links per day and continues to get 10 links per day doesn't show the same amount of growth as a website that starts off with 1, and eventually gets a steady 10. It sounds odd, but you have to remember - the more natural looking it is, the more effective (and higher ranking) it will be.
Free Online Tools
Posted On Thursday, August 7, 2008 at at 7:43 AM by Unknown
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
3 Column Wordpress Themes
Posted On at at 7:05 AM by Unknown
I know most bloggers use two column WP themes, but I like to use 3 column. It keeps your blog looking a little less cluttered and helps to keep it looking organized. Hackwordpress has WP themes, plugins and much more. The themes are really cool and different then most of the stuff thats out there now. So go to http://hackwordpress.com/ and makeover your WP blog. I guarantee you will spend a lot of time looking around Hackwordpress.
BlinkWeb - A Must have for Affiliate Marketers
Posted On Monday, July 21, 2008 at at 10:12 PM by Unknown
There is a new site by Brad and Matt Callen. It's a website creator. This is not your ordinary website builder. With Brad and Matts site you don't need to know html, java or any other technical stuff to build your site. It is all point and click and a little drag. This creator is perfect for affiliate marketers. It takes just under an hour to make a sales page for your product. The first domain is free and they will host your website also. The name of the web creator is Blinkweb.com. It is a great tool but don't just take my word for it check it out for yourself. Here is my blinkweb page.
Drop me a comment and send me a link to your blinkwebpage.
Drop me a comment and send me a link to your blinkwebpage.